Enjoying Penne

While many of you are staying outside of Penne, you might like to pop into Penne for a bit of a look.Its a lovely town and the home of Enzo and Anna Biondino. 

 There are 2 key places where you might like to spend your time:

Outside the city walls – on San Francesco

Here is a tree lined street, where you will typically find people strolling up and down the strip, old men walking slowly - in animated discussions and the locals checking out what their neighbors are wearing. There are a number of bars there, but in particular – La Regina – regarded as producing perhaps some of the best Gelato in Northern Italy. 

 Inside the city walls
Wandering the cobbled streets is a fantastic way to spend some time. You will find a multitude of cafes, pizzerias, restaurants and general shopping.  There are a number of people staying inside the city walls – so you might like to spend some time there before the wedding. 
Serge is staying close to the main Piazza in Penne and also close to the church (so he can’t change his mind!).  Serge would love to welcome any/all of you to visit him throughout the weekend.

Here are 3 places in the centre of penne to get you started....

Friends Bar (main piazza - Piazza Luca di Penne) -
English speaking and were of great assistance when organising the wedding – so please pop into there for a coffee or a drink. They are in the main piazza (where the wedding is to take place) so its a good place to meet people.


Bar Centrale (main piazza - Piazza Luca di Penne)

Local cafe, good spot for a coffee in the morning for breakfast. Not bad for surveying the main piazza.

Ristorante La Grotta
Lovely traditional restaurant found somewhere in and around the cobble streets. Address and google maps reference for those who plan, or just stumble across it!
Via Pultone, 8, 65017 Penne Pescara, Italy 
Ph: +39 085 231 2785 ‎