Getting to Penne

Penne is located in Abbruzzo - which is thereabouts level with Rome, but located on the Adriatic Sea.

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From London
There are 3 options for getting to Penne:
  • The Fastest: Fly from London Stansted to Pescara (Ryan Air), then - Drive to Penne
  • The Second Fastest: Fly from London Stansted to Ancona (Ryan Air) - Drive to Penne
  • The Slowest, but maybe the most enjoyable: Fly from any airport to Rome (Flight options) - Drive to Penne
From Outside of Europe

Your best bet is to fly to Rome, then drive to Penne directly from Rome. Here is a good flight research website

Driving directions from Pescara Airport  to Penne
Its about a 45 minute drive from Pescara airport. There are a lot of ways to get there, here is a general guide:

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Basic map of Penne

This is by no means a detailed map of Penne, but it gives you the basic information to get you into Penne and parked in Penne - plus a general orientation. 

You of course have Sat navs and trusty google maps at your disposal too.

Large Entrance doors to Penne Old Town
We expect it might be an interesting journey getting to Penne for the first time. If you see this - you know you have made it. These are the large entrance doors to Penne.

Remember, refer to the map above - you then need to go past these doors before you can park.

Getting to Penne from Rome

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